AAHMEN began it's work in Limon, Honduras working with Cruzadas and Carolina Clinic some 13 years ago. Lots have changed over the past 13 years and one of the things is the formations of a special orphanage called "Leonarda/s Home of Hope. One of the founding couples is Ken and Peggy Hook. This is their news letter that I thought you would enjoy reading. If you are ever in Limon, Honduras stop by and visit the kids in the home. It will be a real eyeopener for you, at least it was for me.
Enjoy the news letter.
Vaya con Dios,
Tom Camp
February 17, 2011 Dear Tom: In late January my wife Peggy and I spent two days in Tegucigalpa for a meeting with Sor Leonarda and the twelve children being offered scholarships for the continuation of their education. In addition, a meeting with the Director of Instituto Hondureño de la Niñez y la Familia (IHNFA), a Cabinet level position in the current Honduran administration, proved to be most productive.
 Students and Their Host Families Meeting With Students Twelve excited adolescents joined Ken, Peggy, two other volunteers who have close ties with LHOH, Sor Leonarda, and eleven others for a meeting on Saturday, January 30. At this time, the children were transitioning from the orphanage to host families in Tegucigalpa in anticipation of the beginning of their new school year. Each student had at least one member of his/her host family in attendance. The purpose of this meeting was to reinforce the unique opportunity being afforded for a quality high school education and the shared responsibilities of the children, their home-stay parents, and LHOH. Keynote speakers Darwin Pavon and Tino Hernandez from the Tegucigalpa Micah Project shared with the students some details of their lives, how they were rescued from the streets, and how education has afforded opportunities to them which would not have existed otherwise. In addition, businessman Jacobo Canahuati, LHOH facilitator in Honduras, spoke of the need for education in order to find employment in Honduras. An agreement between LHOH and each student outlined the shared responsibilities and the expectations with regards to study, grades, adult supervision, church attendance, and social activities. Each student and house parent received a copy of the agreement so that all understood their shared responsibilities.
 Sisleny and Jessica Reviewing Agreement Instituto Hondureño de la Niñez y la Familia (IHNFA) On Saturday evening Ken and Peggy met with IHNFA Director Suyapa Núñez and with Mauricio Castillo, the legal advisor for IHNFA. At this meeting, made possible by LHOH facilitator Jacobo Canahuati, governmental policy changes regarding Honduran families and children in need were discussed. Orphanages are beginning to receive governmental support and programs are being initiated to assist poor families with children. Adoption policy changes are being made which will allow for easier adoptions of children from Honduras. Director Núñez made assurances that the process for adoptions which has previously taken as long as 4 years is now being shortened. Working with the Supreme Court of Honduras, she anticipates that the process will, in the near future, take as little as 6 months. Honduras is also reviewing some of the strict regulations which have, in the past, limited adoptions. With over 15,000 orphaned or abandoned children, Honduras is making a serious effort to place these children in homes.
 Mauricio Castillo, Ken Hook and Suyapa Núñez Directora Núñez then pointed out that orphanages in Honduras were in dire need of medical assistance. She questioned whether LHOH, working with the Carolina Honduras Health Foundation and other medical volunteers in Honduras, could help facilitate the coordination of medical teams assisting in orphanages in Honduras. Presently these children are receiving little or no medical care; it is the hope of Directora Núñez that having medical teams visit periodically will lead to improved health of children in these orphanages. She has promised to provide a list of orphanages needing medical assistance; this list will be disseminated to medical teams going to Honduras. If you, or others, are interested in providing medical or dental assistance to any of these orphanages please contact LHOH at lhoh09@gmail.com The list will be sent to you as soon as it is received from IHNFA. In addition, Directora Núñez voiced her interest in working with Stop Hunger Now to obtain shipments of food for the children of Honduras. This effort will be pursued at a meeting with Stop Hunger Now representatives in April.
The two days in Tegucigalpa were amazing. First, there was the joy of sharing with the twelve children whom we have come to know and love. Their heartfelt gratitude was obvious; they each committed to putting education first in their lives. Their host families were there to promise support. Sor Leonarda was glowing with pride as “her children” began a new episode in their lives. The dinner meeting with the Director of IHNFA and others in her department opened doors for future cooperation. Two short days … packed with emotion, information, sharing, commitment. God has certainly blessed us with the opportunity to do His work in Honduras. He continues to open doors and to provide new avenues of service to the children in this corner of the world. As always none of this work would be possible without your prayers and support. Through your prayers and generous support, these 12 children have the opportunity for an education and a bright future in Honduras. Through contact made with LHOH, medical care may be provided to the orphanages housing over 15,000 children in Honduras. Through your support, Stop Hunger Now food shipments have been sent to Honduras to feed those at Sor Leonarda's home and at other soup kitchens; more may be sent in the future. LHOH thanks you for your continued support of programs for the poor and needy children in Honduras. May God continue to bless you and LHOH, Ken N. K. (Ken) Hook Jr Chairman, Board of Directors
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Leonarda´s Home of Hope, Inc
P. O. Box 624 Norge, VA 23127-0624
N. K. (Ken) Hook Jr 757-234-0073 |
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